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an toHave you jumped on the intermittent fasting bandwagon yet? This new trend is not only helping people lose weight, but also helping them simplify their lives and up regulate their overall health! Sounds too good to be true, right?  Some things are too good AND true. 


What is Intermittent Fasting (IF)?

Intermittent Fasting is very simple.. as in all you have to do is eat in a certain window of time. There are no food restrictions at all, so it’s not a diet per se but an eating pattern that could become a way of life if you so choose. There are many different ways to IF. Some people like to fast for 24 hours a couple times per week and eat regular the other days, some prefer to fast for 16-20 hours and eat in a smaller window.

This is not anything new, as it has been part of human evolution! Grocery stores and refrigerators are relatively new in the grand scheme of things. Our ancestors couldn’t drive through and get a burger or salad, or better yet, order food and it show up right at their *cave opening*. Our bodies have evolved to be able to function without food, not only that but THRIVE while eating in this pattern.

I’d encourage you to do your own research before changing your diet or eating pattern, as it’s not suitable for everybody (I’m looking at you if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, have an eating disorder, or you’re a child).


My Experience with IF 

I’ve gotten on the intermittent fasting bandwagon and I love it! I started back in probably April of 2018. I used to eat anytime and have no restrictions at all. I now know that its better to not eat right before bed, it’s better to limit the time period you eat in, and to give your digestive system a break

In 2018, my perspective on life started changing. I had been flirting with veganism, then I dated a vegan, was vegan for awhile… then decided I’d rather focus on nourishing my body with whole foods with little to no processing. All around the same time I decided to quit taking Adderall and Trazadone (an “antidepressant” which doctors started prescribing as a sleep aid).

I began to gain weight and I wasn’t sure why so I thought I’d try out intermittent fasting. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. I did a lot of research on the different ways people fasted and figured out what I wanted to try. I decided on 17hrs of fasting… sometimes 18.

At first this was really hard to adjust to. I was used to eating whatever I want, whenever I want!  By the time I was closing in on 17 hours I’d be so hungry that I’d eat way too much in my eating window– because I felt deprived. DON’T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AS ME! It’s probably easiest to build up to a longer fast if you’re an early morning or late night eater. I’ve found that the earlier in the day I quit eating the easier it is, but this may not be the case for everyone. Some people eat as late as 8 or 9pm no problem but I usually quit eating by 5pm. This gives my body plenty of time to digest dinner before going to bed. Did you know it’s best not to eat right before laying down for sleep?

It didn’t take too long to get used to, really I feel like it’s mind over matter. Are you really going to starve to death within 18 hours? No. What about 24 hours? No. But that was my next challenge.

Mastering going without food for 24 hours is a little harder than 18. What’s the trick? Well there isn’t one. However, what I started doing was eating at 11am and finishing by noon… THEN starting the 24 hour fast by fasting until noon the next day. This way I’m eating BOTH days… which is actually easier for me. Every body is different so what works for me may not for you.

After mastering the 24 hour water fast, I graduated on to 3 day fasts, but I’ll save this for another post.  There’s something called dry fasting too– where you dont drink any water or eat anything.  This is advanced stuff and I’ve only done a 19 hour dry fast. Dry fasting for 1 day is said to have the same benefits as a 3 day water fast.  Once again, I am not an expert and encourage you to do your own research before trying anything new… and ALWAYS listen to your body.  

How do you feel about fasting? I enjoy having a more disciplined approach to eating. I feel like it helps me be more mindful of what I’m eating and why (if I’m eating out of boredom or masking emotions). 

Leave any questions or comments below.  Thanks for reading.   

xoxo Robin